Monday, April 3, 2017

Cinema Wasteland April 7-9th, 2017 NOTLD Reunion

This weekend at Cinema Wasteland​ in Strongsville, OH come out and see some of your favorite cast members and ghouls from the seminal classic NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. Russ Streiner​, John Russo​, Gary Streiner​, Judith O'Dea​, Judy Ridley, Richard Ricci, Herbert Summer, Richard Catizone​, Kyra Schon, Ella Mae Smith, and Paula Richards will be there. It's the 50th Anniversary Reunion. How can you miss something like this? Click on the link below for the Cinema Wasteland website and all the details.

Monday, January 23, 2017


This is Part 5 (the FINAL part) of a multi-part series of photos showing the cemetery from NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD as it is today in Evans City, PA....just in the middle of the night. This was the idea of my buddy Daz Spooky and I have to give him all the credit for this idea and showing me how to take these fantastic photos. Through long exposure settings and the use of a tripod, you can see and photograph the cemetery at night. In fact the longer the exposure, the more it looks like daytime. It's weird and interesting, I hope you like what you see. No photographs have been altered in any way. These are the shots exactly as the camera captured them.

Here we start with a view of the front of the chapel where Johnny and Barbra drive to and park their car. Each photo was taken between 2am and 4 am September 2, 2013.

This first photo shows the headlights of my car illuminating the chapel so that I can get the picture in focus. Then they are turned off and different photos are taken with different exposure settings. The brightest ones have the longest exposure making it seem like daylight on an overcast day. Shorter exposures come out darker and even darker the shorter the length.

Another view of the chapel from over by the area of Barbra and Johnny's fathers's grave. This first photo shows the headlights of my car illuminating the chapel so that I can get the picture in focus. Then it is turned off and different photos are taken with different exposure settings.

There's my buddy Daz Spooky setting up some shots with his camera at the
Kramer stone, remember these photos are taken in almost complete darkness.

And finally, more random shots of some recognizable places from different angles.